Idle vs. allocated resources
sinfo --Format Partition,NodeList,NodeAI,CPUsState -p cpucourt,cpulong,smp,gpu,visu
A=allocated, I=idle, O=other, T=total.
For GPUs: if CPUS(A) equals 12 or more, it means all GPUs are busy.
To display the list of idle nodes:
sinfo --state=idle
Current CPU load for every node
sinfo --Format NodeHost,CPUsState,CPUsLoad -p cpucourt,cpulong,smp,gpu,visu
A=allocated, I=idle, O=other, T=total.
The load is normal as long as it is equal or lower than the amount of allocated cores on the node.
Nodes information
Retrieve information about all the nodes and their current load:
scontrol show nodes
Information about a particular node (compute01):
scontrol show node compute01