Request for an access to Azzurra

Azzurra is open to all Université Côte d’Azur entities (which includes INRIA and OCA).

Access to the cluster is given after validation by the Scientific Committee.

Access is free of charge, valid for one year and renewable upon request. At the end of the year, an activity report will be requested.

Only research and IDEX activities will be accepted for evaluation. The submission of a research project must be made by a permanent researcher.

The results of the experiments carried out on the cluster must be published. Any publication using results obtained thanks to the attributed computing resources must make reference to the IDEX UCAJEDI project, OPAL and the Université Côte d’Azur Computing Centre (see quote here).

If you estimate that your project requires more than 500,000 computing hours per year, we advise you to contact GENCI national center. A presentation of GENCI’s computing resources can be found here.

UCA members whose request is approved will automatically be OPAL accredited for one year (renewable). OPAL allows you to request computing hours on other clusters (see their list here).

The information notice (in French) can be read by clicking here.

In charge of machine, network, and security management or of substituting the project leader for operations related to account management within your laboratory.
Please indicate the name of the laboratory director, the address and the type of laboratory (code of the unit, team or attached entity).
At least half a page of description please.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
If the project is financially supported by the ANR, a competitiveness cluster, an industrial or European contract (etc.), please indicate it here (including the funding period and the total amount of funding provided)
Please indicate the human resources (number and if possible name and quality) your laboratory plans to allocate to the project.
A quota of computing hours on the cluster will be allocated to your project for one year, renewable upon request (your request should include an activity report in order for it to be evaluated). For requests exceeding 500,000 hours, a prior technical expertise of your project will be carried out by our team.
Duration of the job (hours), max memory, number of cores (if known). If GPU: number of GPU cards.
It is strongly recommended to add checkpoints to the code (especially in case of long jobs) as they will be automatically stopped by the resource manager once the walltime is reached.
Please provide any useful information, including: version number, compilation options, link to download the source code, ...
Warning: we do not backup or archive your data.
For each user: last name, first name, e-mail and affiliation unit/laboratory/company.